Welcome to Become & Conquer's

Return to Self

8-Week Program Information Page

What if you had a custom tailored 8-week program designed to guide you towards greater awareness, understanding, and acceptance of your own past, while empowering you to reclaim control over your emotions, thoughts, and connections? This is your Return to Self.

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Learn About Become & Conquer's Custom-Tailored 8-Week Program Built Around Your Specific Need!

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More About The Program...

In your journey through life, why carry the weight of our past experiences that unconsciously shape our present reality? In the custom-tailored 8-week Return to Self program, you'll get significantly better awareness, understanding, and acceptance of your past, while empowering you to reclaim control over your emotions, thoughts, and connections.

In this program, Adriana works hand-in-hand with you to:

Illuminate the truth of your life experiences

Liberate you from the chains of your childhood traumas, and

Empower you to make conscious shcoices about how you can live your best life in the present moment.

"Return to Self" is a unique and personalized program tailored to your individual needs, yet structured to provide a comprehensive framework for transformation. Unlike traditional coaching programs, we delve deep into the subconscious, learning how to navigate and transform old patterns into new ones. Through powerful techniques rooted in neuroscience, you'll gain a profound understanding of the root causes behind your emotional struggles and childhood traumas, allowing you to reclaim sovereignty over your life.

Throughout the eight weeks, you'll receive unwavering support from me, Adriana, including weekly calls, empowering exercises, and techniques to facilitate your journey of self-discovery.

Additionally, you'll join a community of like-minded individuals, whether participating in group sessions or the one-on-one program, fostering connection and mutual support. You'll have access to materials, homework assignments, and my 24/7 email support, ensuring you feel guided and supported every step of the way. In times of need, emergency fire calls will be available to provide immediate assistance.

"Return to Self" isn't just a program—it's a transformative journey towards healing, empowerment, and authentic living. Join us as we embark on this profound exploration of self-discovery and growth.

Book a Call to Discuss Your Custom 8-Week Journey for your Return to Self!